Monday 25 June 2012

Post cleaning post

As I had a deadline to meet with the cleaning (flat inspection tomorrow), the blog has had to take a backseat. Sort of in the same way that my reading seems to have taken a back seat in my life for the moment. Not really a conscious decision but just the way things are for the moment. I do intend to get back to my reading soon. Otherwise the 1.5 years to read 80 odd books is going to be jeopardised and I'm on a mission to get the total down a bit over the course of this year.
Perhaps once I am a bit more settled in my new job in Customer Services I can get on with some more reading... here's hoping.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Brief Summary

Once again I seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth and once again I return!
Why was I gone? Well, because I had something very important to do... I went on holiday. One of my best mates B and I went to take a big bite out of the Big Apple. It was great and very relaxing. How to sum it up?: food, sun, sea, laughs, people watching and lots and lots of coffee stops.

One thing that I must confess to is that I did have a slight relapse in the non-book buying front... I bought 4.
So.. total books count.

Books bought: 4
Books to read: 85

Other news.. I passed my OU course.. only just but just enough! Holland are out of the Euro Cup football and England are 1-0 up against Ukraine as we speak.. Get in!!

Sunday 3 June 2012

The Final Count Down

Due to real life catching up with me this week there are no new read books to report.
Work did not really get silly but things have been developing on that front and the upshot of it is that I will be starting a new role from 25 June. This means that after my holiday (yes, another one) I will have 4 more days as a project manager and then I will be transferring into Customer Services. Not sure what my role will be called yet. What I do know is that it is going to be hard work and a major challenge but I am really looking forward to it!

Also counting down the days until my holiday to New York. Only 6 more sleeps until I go on the big iron bird to the good old US of A. I am really looking forward to having a break and exploring new sights and sounds again. I bought a new suitcase today and am starting to think about what to take and how much food I will still need to survive until Departure Day. With all this excitement I am not sure I will get round to much reading but you never know. Might use it to calm me down. Forcing myself to sit still and focus.
I am going to have to think about holiday reading as well. Am I taking a book? If so, how big? Do I wait to buy one at the airport? If I do, will they have one that I will like?..... I just re-read that sentence.... silly question, of course they will. It will probably be more a case of will they have only 1 that I like or am I going to have to do the 3 for 2 offer? Decisions, decisions...