Sunday 6 June 2010

Literary Day in London

Went to London yesterday for a little wander, trip down the bookshop and some sushi. In the process also decided to have a look round the Dickens Museum which was in the area we were wondering around. And very good it was too. Not too big but interesting, nice to look round a house where Dickens lived and wrote some of his books. An added bonus was the coffee shop which had one of the nicest strawberry cakes I have had in ages! It was a little suntrap, courtyard garden at the back of a normal looking London house but it was great to have a sit and ponder life... and chat to B my friend who was my travel buddy on the trip.
Then off to the bookshop. Hidden away in the basement of the Brunswick centre lives Skoob. It's a great little place to have a look around. They have a wide selection of books, lots of penguin books old and new (only strange that one of them had an old, original price sticker on it of £2.99 and the sale price was actually £3.50?!).... anyway, you know where this is going. A wise man once said "Nowhere is the human nature as weak as in the book shop" and how right he was! I succumbed to three. Only three though.. that's not too bad. London prices kept me from splashing out more. Sometimes when you go to the charity shops here you can pick books up for as little as £1 or even less but the one I got I have not seen down here so that's why they went home with me. One of them is a Ghost story one and the other two are biographies - Raymond Chandler and Agatha Christie. They will be read in due course.
Calculations show that if I read a book every two week I will have finished reading my 70 odd books in about.... ehm.. hang on, 70 books, two weeks er book (about), 140 weeks, divide by 53 weeks of the year= 2.69 years. Then of course there are times when you read less or take a little reading break so I guess we'll call it even at 3 years... right, so it will take me 3 years to read the ones I have now.... well.... mmmm, I'm off to read some more.

Books bought: 3
Books to be read: 72

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