Wednesday 16 March 2011

Slow progress

At the moment I am working my way through a ghost story book but I am finding it hard to find the time to get some proper reading done. I tried to sit down to some serious reading over the weekend but Saturday was spent doing the food shop, getting my hair cut and settling down in front o the telly to watch some rubbish programs I did not really want to see. Sunday sort of went by without me knowing it was over. I managed to get up early enough (9.00am on the weekend qualifies as early in my book!) but got stuck on stupid mundane things like laundry, doing the dishes and tidying all my bills and papers I had not tidied for months. Oh... and I also spent an hour or so shredding lots of old bills and bank statements.. there's another hour or so I will never get back! By the time all that was one I settled down to read with my book and a little snack and a coffee only to fall asleep after about an hour or so. I dozed for about 3 hours and then decided that perhaps some food would to "revive" me. It did a bit. Then watched some more telly, checked my e-mails etc and all of a sudden it was time for bed.
I am determined to get some decent reading done this evening though. I have had my dinner and I am postponing the dishes till tomorrow. I have also had one of my friends call me already so that is out of the way too. Last but not least I have checked my mails and my favourite websites so I really have no excuses let not to get on with it. All I have to do now is get myself a coffee and settle down on the sofa..... wish me luck!

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