Sunday, 19 February 2012

Revised strategies

Change is not always my favourite thing but in the case of my approach to reading for my course it is proving necessary and surprisingly enough, very productive. I started out reading every chapter, going over it again and doing the assignments in the text and then, to make sure I dotted all the T's and crossed all the I's, checking the summaries of each chapter to see if I remembered what was in each section. This worked fine when I had enough time and not too many pages to read but when the number of pages that required reading went up it got a bit hard to keep up. So now I have introduced a new strategy. I am reading through the text seeing if I understand it and then moving on. I am trusting my brain to be able to remember at least the main points made in the text. So far it is paying off!! I am ahead of schedule with the reading and just have to finish off the last 20 pages of the final course book. At the same time I am thinking of starting work on the final assigment early as well. It has to be in on 23rd March but the sooner I can get started on it the better it might be for me. Give me a bit more time to revisit any bits I need to if I find that my brain is actually a sieve. Then it is only 4 more weeks from handing in the final assignment to the exam and then.... back to the freedom to read whatever! I know I keep going on about it, but you have no idea how much I am actually looking forward to being able to read whatever I want, to take as long as I like and not having to remember the essentials of what I am reading. Well.... I have to remember enough to be able to write a review but that is easy enough... 9 weeks to go, and counting.
So.. off to cook my dinner and then perhaps read a few more pages on Project Management Methodologies.

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