Sunday, 25 March 2012

Catching up

It almost seems that after my period of not reading much else but the obligatory course books I am now on a bit of a reading spree. I am reading two at the moment. Normally I do not do that as I feel it takes too much out of me to try and keep track of two different stories. I think the only way this is working now is that one of them is in Dutch and the other one is in English. With the language split, somehow my brain manages to separate the two fine. It probably also help that the one in Dutch is not really a novel or story but more a help-me-think-my-way-out-of-a-situation book. The book is all about how people get stuck in realising their dreams and how you can make sure dream or wish becomes a reality. So far the main thing that the book has taught me is that in the Creativity Spiral I am only on the first third of my wish coming true and am stuck on the Planning, Deciding and Taking Action stage... I kind of already knew this but I did find it interesting to find out that on the decision cycle Imagining is directly opposite Taking Action. I have no real issues in imaging how my wish and ideal future would look like. Taking the action to make my wish actually come true is what I struggle with. Now that I have read the first two chapters explaining all the stages I am hoping this book will give me some practical pointers on how to go full circle or at least gets me to a stage where I understand better what is stopping me. I am off to explore chapter three to see if it does.

The English one, by the way, is a ghost story one as I realised I had not read one in absolutely ages and could do with a decent dose of the sinister.

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