Sunday, 29 January 2012

Taking a Break

This afternoon I have decided to take a little break from working my way through what is proving to be a tough little assignment. This one, TMA02 is due on 6 Feb so it almost seems I have loads of time. But really, it is not that long. Especially not as I have to do the coursework once I get home from work. Keeping myself motivated is not always easy but I just keep reminding myself that once this course is over and the exam is done I am allowed to read whichever book I want! My scheduled date of release is 24 April, after the exam! The reading for this part of the course was not the biggest problem. There were not too many pages to get through but some of it was a bit vague and sometimes it is hard to see how all of it is going to apply on a practical level for my PM work.

One good thing to happen this week is that I got my end of year review and it was really good. Apparently I have Exceeded Expectations this year. Which is good to know as it was a year of change and transition for me moving into my PM role. Not that it will get me a rise on the back of it as last year there were "other indicators" that were used to give people pay rises. Ah well... never mind. Hope to get a little extra once this course is done, you never know.. fingers crossed.

I have been treating my ears to my Ben Howard CD recently and although it is a bit more of a grower than mr James V McMorrow's it is also very good. I found myself humming along to half of the album after only about 10 listens.. in fact.. I'm off to stick it on again now!

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